Category Archives: Events

Bringing the maker movement to your classroom


I strongly believe in the power of application. When we can connect theory to practice, the possibilities are endless. Coming from an Agricultural Education background, the concept of “making” seems naturally inherent when I look at the education landscape. So, it should be no surprise that I’ve set out to bring making to K12 and…

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Students’ Use of Digital Storytelling to Enhance Media Literacy Skills: Implications for Best Practices in Postsecondary Education

I always love presenting at AECT, and this year is no different. The view does change when you’re the convention planner, but it was my honor today to deliver a presentation initially proposed and prepared by one of our graduate students at the University of Wyoming, David Des Armier, Jr. He’s an outstanding instructor and…

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Making the Annual AECT Convention Affordable

AECT is one of the premier organizations in the field of instructional technology. As a professional organization, membership and active participation in AECT is unique in that it is comprised of scholars, teachers, and leaders who are extraordinarily accessible and open to working with students. All of those names you read in research articles and…

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Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome…that feeling of being underqualified that pretty much every graduate student feels at one point or another in their career. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have, how much praise you receive, or how satisfied you are with your work. You still have that lingering feeling that you don’t belong in the big leagues with…

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Free for the Asking!

This list is courtesy of Mike Sullivan, Training Specialist with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Mike compiled these resources as a quick overview of associations, training sources, newsletters, and web pages providing free or low cost training and/or traning-related articles. If you have other sources, please comment this post and share them with everyone!…

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