Category Archives: Teaching

Technology: Parents, Teachers and students….can we get them all to the same page?

Note: This is a repost from James Kapptie’s blog, Our Children are Calling Once a cowboy, always a cowboy!  This was a great opportunity to have a conversation with Dr. Dousay about the state of technology that has become more of a focus due to COVID19.  This is only the tip of the iceberg but…

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Adventures in the Praxis

It’s no secret that I love science. I wouldn’t have the job I have or love it as much as I do if I didn’t. But I took my teacher licensure tests more than 20 years, and they were in Agricultural Science. When the opportunity to both serve and learn by being on an ETS National Advisory Committee (NAC) emerged, I had to take advantage of it.

Research Help Requested from PK8 Teachers, Parents, Admin, & Staff

Researchers from the University of Wyoming are requesting your participation in a study that deals with cloud/web-based technology use with children under the age of 13. As part of the study, the researchers have developed a survey and training module to assess community perceptions of responsibilities and awareness of federal laws. We hope to use this…

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Google for Education Certified Innovators

Google for Education announced yesterday that the former Google Certified Teacher program is now called Google for Education Certified Innovators. With this name change comes a complete overhaul of the training and certifications available to educators. Perhaps most telling in the announcement is the first line of the message: Technology can help transform education, but only as…

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Bringing the maker movement to your classroom


I strongly believe in the power of application. When we can connect theory to practice, the possibilities are endless. Coming from an Agricultural Education background, the concept of “making” seems naturally inherent when I look at the education landscape. So, it should be no surprise that I’ve set out to bring making to K12 and…

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