Tonia A. Dousay
Scholar | Educator | Leader
Attendee Comments
During lunch, I had the opportunity to visit with a number of other attendees. Between those conversations and the few I had yesterday evening, there seems to be three main complaints… The user network is unstable. (I would agree wholeheartedly; the network, in a word, sucks.) They encouraged us to bring laptops, yet there are…
Rapid Development using Open Source Technology
Reuben is with edCetra Training out of Toronto. All too often, we find ourselves attempting to manipulate files from proprietary vendors. Rapid authoring…high quality eLearning courses in record time. Or is it? “Tools are not skills. Word processors don’t turn bad writers into good ones.” Take a little time to provide the skills. Rapid eLearning…
Nine Deadly Sins of Instructional Design
Dave Goodman is with SoftAssist in Philadelphia. His goal isn’t necessarily to share with us what we’re doing wrong, but those common habits we all do without realize that could be done differently or better. Hey You! — Do you capture the learner’s attention right at the beginning? Or is it just another boring welcome…
eLearning 2.0 in Development
So apparently the really cool plain bag I was so proud of was a temporary fix. The hotel lost the actual conference bag, which is actually just like the DevLearn bag I got two years ago. Meh. I’ll keep my plain bag and not mess with getting a second one that I’ll never use. I’m…
Twenty Technologies to Transform Training
I chose the Twenty Technologies to Transform Training workshop with Dr. Gary Woodill and Tom Crawford. I personally know Gary and love his take on eLearning, where it’s been and where it’s going. As such, I have been looking forward to this session. Before lunch, each table was given a list of Emerging eLearning Links: 100…
It’s Not About the Technology
It’s about the people. Blasphemous, I know. Yet, these are not my own words. They are that of Tom Crawford. And honestly, I have to agree with him wholeheartedly. For all of the technological changes in the past century, the core purpose of each innovation was to benefit a person or society in general. Of course,…
The registration materials for the conference are nondescript and quite functional.I must say that of all the conferences I’ve attended, I like this most. The traditional conference bag isn’t a huge branded pink elephant that you’ll never use again. Instead, they gave us a plain, recycled cotton satchel bag. It’s like someone finally recognized that…