Tonia A. Dousay
Scholar | Educator | Leader
Cell Casting
Cell phones have become an essential piece of equipment to most people. mLearning is many things to many people, though.
- Pure Learning (questionable)
- Data Collection (probable)
- Performance Support (probable)
- Reinforcement (probable)
- Reference (likely)
Possibilities (decreasing down the list in complexity and cost):
- Rich Media (Flash lite, Pod/Vodcasts & streaming video)*
- Courseware (learning + interactive assessments)^
- Resources (reference materials and collaboration)
- AudioCasts (story-based learning)
- SMS/MMS (iterative learning & reinforcement)
- Notifications (messaging, reminders)
* Requires Premium SmartPhone
^ Requires Standard SmartPone
All others require a standard cell phone
Unfortunately, most learning management systems do not yet have the capability to launch and track mLearning.
CellCasts are
- easy to create
- easy to distribute
- easy to access
- easy to track
- easy to localize
- easy to personalize
Try a CellCast >> Create Your Own Account
Approximate cost is ~$2/month.
Watching another attendee (Leah) use the software to create a simple CellCast did indeed show it to be a simple process. It’s not something I see us deploying from a marketing or customer standpoint. However, I could see our HR training director looking at this for internal training.